So, this is what Monday brought with it. I thought that we would only get a little bit of snow and then it would quit. snowed, and snowed, and snowed. It snowed so much that it broke a branch off our big willow tree in the backyard. We had to shake the snow off of our fruit trees so that their limbs did not break. It was crazy. Needless to say, Aimee got to build her snowman with Peyton. They had so much fun!!

Sydney and Peyton having a snowball fight.
Why do kids always think snow tastes so good. Yuck, but here Aimee is with a mouthful. At least she isn't running through the sprinkler. She looks much warmer in her coat, hat, and gloves. Although, she did come in soaked just the same.
Mom, these pictures turned out great! They had so much fun and it was fun to take the pictures. Peyton triumphed over Sydney! :D