So.... We got a new puppy! Her name is Lucy and she is a german short hair pointer with a mix of wire hair pointer. The crazy story behind this new puppy is that one weekend we were supposed to go fishing and we had planned on this trip for a while. The night before, we had gotten all the fishing poles ready along with a picnic lunch and we were all so excited for the morning. When I woke up, the sky was dark and all the kids were still asleep so Scott and I went grocery shopping in Idaho Falls.
When we made it there, we finished getting our groceries and suddenly... our tire went flat! So we took the car in to change the tire. Scott soon left to go to Sportman's to get more things for our fishing trip. Come to find out, he ran into someone he knew that was looking at puppies in front of the store and along comes a little puppy asking Scott to hold her. He held her and she snuggled right up to him.