This is our new puppy. Our last dog, Zog, died the end of March. Scott and I decided that we had better get a new one soon or we would realize how conveniant it was to not have a dog and not want one. This cute little devil is Dempsey and we adopted him from the animal shelter. They told us he was Boxer, German shorthair, Pointer mix. I wonder what else he is......

He and Brevin are two little monsters together. Brevin opens things up and Dempsey gets in and chews them up. We have had him for 2 months now and he is housebroken and about twice the size he is in this picture. He jumped up and put his feet on the counter yesterday, and stole Bailey's bagel....He has definately helped us keep our house cleaner. Things cannot be left on the floor or he chews them...especially shoes and socks. I think it is the stink factor. Even though he is a stinker, we have sure loved him...he keeps things lively and we enjoy his company.