Guess what????Santa came!!!! After opening presents and playing and eating and eating and playing, we thought we would spend some time on the snow hill. This has been an easy going, relaxed, laid back kind of Christmas. It has been awesome.

Sydney had to forego sledding because she had surgery done on her big toe on Thursday. She has been having a hard time with ingrown toenails, so we had the problem taken care of. She was wearing this really cool boot to accomodate her spud bandange on her big toe. She was sad she couldn't sled. She loves a good adventure.

Bailey and Aimee had a lot of fun. Aimee kept closing her eyes because Bailey's boots kept kicking up the snow. Her cute little face was all red from the melted snow.

Peyton loved sledding down on an old snowboard. The snow was really packed and he was flying. He kept falling off at the bottom and crashing. He liked it a little bit better when he had a turn on the tube.

This girl had so much fun...look at that smile. Santa got her all decked out for Christmas, new boots and new cozy coat.

Look at this cute face. He did a really good job of keeping his hat on, considering how much he hates them. I took him down on the tube once....he looked scared to death, so we only did it once. It was fun to get out for awhile.